Education ----- Key to Prosperity

               When are, we, as a people, going to start working with our youth to 
eliminate the lies that are fed to them by the media that prevent them from 
achieving to thier fullest potential?  When are we, going to stand up and fight 
the idea, pervasive in our youth, that if you are excelling in school, in advanced 
classes and dominating (academically) you classmates, you are "acting white".  
This idea is absurd!  Throughout history, we have pushed education when it was 
forbidden upon pain of death!  Even during Jim Crow, we created over 150 colleges 
to serves our children when the mainstream ones refused to let us in.  When 
mainstream businesses refused our money, we became entrepreneurs and set up 
thriving districts such as Little Hayti in Durham, North Carolina and Black Wall Street 
in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  This all happened, because we educated ourselves, either 
formally or informally!!
           Now, after our people fought to open doors to the mainstream of 
American intellectual life, a thief come in the night to steal the victory and 
perseverance from our kids; the idea that academic excellence is  "acting 
white", our  ridicule of our brothers and sisters who strive for educational 
and professional excellence.  As they go forward in their academic 
accomplishments, we have Black idiots taunting them with the label "acting 
white."  Do not confuse professionalism or academic excellence with "acting 
white."  One has nothing in the world to do with the other.  In fact, those Black 
folks who do not encourage nor support their fellow Black students or Black 
businesses are actually the ones "acting white."  They also act white when they 
do not sound their objections or defend against other races that denigrate their 
Black brothers and sisters, or when they mistreat their own Black people with the 
same lies, injustice and incorrectness as white supremacist do.  Those who are 
accusing other of "Acting white," are simply being niggerish, or, put a better way 
"stupid", themselves! 
          I issue a challenge to everyone!  Check you state's, your individual 
district's, your child's school's status on proficiency tests.  You will see a 
great gap in the performance of black and white students.  Check the ACT, 
SAT, AP, and other tests.  With affirmative action about to go off into history 
and the standards rising, we must reaffirm our intellectual tradition.  Start 
reading (newspaper, books, magazines, etc., use the public library, etc.).  As 
a special treat, give your kids gifts certificates for bookstores.  Take your 
children to museums, galleries, parks, etc.  We must challenge the idea 
promulgated through BET and throughout history that all we do is play sports 
and rap!!  
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Or, you can email me at  [email protected]. 
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  • Posted by:Jeffrey
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