Submissions Wanted for african-centered glossary

WORDS Flowing Up South (WORDS) is making a final shout-out to anyone who wants to submit a word, plus definition, to be included.  WORDS is a glossary of words and terms I feel are very important when we begin to study ourselves (especially in this climate of white supremacy).  The climate is such that if you speak the term you are immediately labeled as a threat to society.  But white supremacy (ws) has created and fostered a sickness throughout the world, and more specifically in the black community.  The latest poll asking whether Bill Cosby and Oprah have lost it attests to it.  As much as I applaud them both, for though many have tried, only a few have reached their finacial statue, the answer is yes.  Capitalism, at its highest, is a fundamental tool of WS. In other words no matter how much you give back as a philanthropist, the money, because it is built on the greed and competition, is drawn from the  blood of others.  Just because we don't see the sick, the dying, and the oppressed, doesn't mean they/we are not there.  Blaming the victim is just as dangerous as the victim reveling in his/her situation.  The lower middle class (what a term) is stuck in the middle, often however with the uncanny ability to see above and below.  Just as many can't or won't move forward, as those who are praying not to be dragged backward.  But anyway, that's my short commentary.  Back to my submission.

Words do have power.  They are more hurtful than sticks and stones, and have the capacity to move mountains.  That's why words and word knowledge is so important to being able to "critically think" and advance in knowldge. It is with this in mind that I decided to write this book.  Though heavily african-centered, the words themselves come from various sources and are placed into several chapters.  They may not, in of themselves, have anything to do with being african-centered (i.e. tracking -as in tracking young black boys and girls into special ed programs without the proper evaluation, or claim - as in to suggest without proof). For those who are interested in submitting word(s) with their definition(s), please do.  I can't claim to be an authority (or dictionary), so it won't hurt to put a shout out and see what I may have missed and want to include. 

Table of Contents








Labor & Law






WordUp (these words sort of span all the abive catagories, or fit into neither)

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self-publish(ed-ing) writer
located in DC/MD area
21Publish - Cooperative Publishing