Root of the Problem?

I posted Sir Cook's post about Black Genocide.  Here are comments from Yahoo members:

*How about stop teenage pregnancies?  School drop outs among Black kids?  Welfare fraud?  Let's increase literacy? 
*Thank you!! Stop attacking abortions. Start attacking what causes the teenage pregnancies in the first place.

I said: ok   and the things you've mentioned have been addressed time and time again.    welfare fraud is a community issue, not just a black community issue- everyone's jacked up the system. teen pregnancy- same thing, as a matter of fact, white chicks are pushing out babies by our brothers. in high numbers. so that again, is not a black issue.   but this- ridiculously and alarmingly high for the black community in addition to these abortions, a lot of them are botched, causing permanent damage (and if she wanted to have children and now cannot...). add on domestic violence, abuse and so on because of the pregnancy itself.  She doesnt have health insurance, he doesn't have the money or has some of the money and as a whole it's become a form of birth control because these people cannot control their behaviors or tries their hand at luck.   Should a female have an abortion (not because she wants to but has to)- that can have psychological effects which can lead to abuse to the children she has already, personal harm and so on      this needs more focus because of the state of our community actually starts with what goes down within the home.  JMO. but check it- it's not teens that are doing the most abortions though. it's a problem from preteen to adults.    when that 30 year old chicken forgot to tell dude to use a condom when that 40 year old dude figured she just 'may' be protected and if not, he's got the $ to 'handle' things. when that 12 year old boy didnt know he could produce sperm when that 15 year old girl thought she was grown. For our community the abortion rates are skyhigh. the root of the problem IMO is what's happening at home.  if there is imbalance or instability within the home, lack of morals, ethics and values, people will have a problem interacting within the community (note the word: unity). Once these unstable people are mingling with the stable- there is a problem in the schools, the workplace, and other social areas.   And the source has been considered when I posted- for there, numbers may be lower for NY, higher due to demographics, stats issued by the department of health and so on.   I'm sick of hearing it too but that doesnt mean some of these numbers are untrue. 

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  • Posted by:NICOLE


Written for a contest in June 2005.  I thought it be appropriate to post considering the state of our community.


We often hear 'Black Is Beautiful'. . . Hard to believe when you aint got that pull.   Black on Black crime, Black on Black hate . . . The shit needs to stop, we must sit and meditate.   There's also that Black Love.  Unique. Passionate. Hawt. What's that about? It's the sweat, the tears, the joy, the pain, that oh so feel good that makes me shout.   Kids. Our Black kids. Fresh. Strong. Aint no other. You know the shit they do makes the world shudder.   The world says, Black reps death, darkness, sadness, evil. Negro, negra, niger, noir. The color and the people.    I'm no fool, lovin it. Black's all good . . Change my mind? Nah, dont think you could   Nicole A. Tatum(c)



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  • Posted by:NICOLE
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